Energy-efficient ductwork systems

EcoDuct Market Update – 30th April 2024

Building Regulations Part L Compliance – EcoDuct Provides Enhanced Alignment


1. Part L is now a legal requirement covering the conservation of fuel and power in the construction and extension of buildings in England.

2. The regulations have been introduced to help create greater energy efficiency and savings on energy costs, as well as better environmental sustainability and stronger compliance.

3. Reducing carbon and ensuring energy efficiency over the entire lifespan of a building features significantly as part of the new building regulations in the UK. This can be achieved in several ways, such as maximising airtightness, optimising insulation and eliminating thermal bridging.

4. EcoDuct, fabricated from KoolDuct phenolic insulation panels, provides enhanced alignment to the regulations, including:

a. Compliance with Table 4.6 and BS 5422:2023, as applicable – insulation thickness.

b. Optimisation of energy efficiency and savings through, inter alia, minimal leakages at all classes and virtually eliminating thermal bridging.

c. Unrivalled environmental sustainability, including up to 75% reduction in embodied carbon (GWP).

d. Full compliance with all relevant regulations, standards and guidance, in both the UK and the EU.  

 Detailed Analysis:

Building Regulations Part L cover the conservation of fuel and power in the construction and extension of buildings in England. They establish how energy-efficient they should be. On 15 June 2022 Part L was updated with the mandate to improve the current minimum standard for carbon emissions by 31% - this was previously just 6%, so the increase is a significant one. 

There are 4 volumes in Part L:

1. Part L1A for new homes

2. Part L1B for extensions and renovations (with some exceptions)

3. Part L2A for commercial buildings

4. Part L2B for ‘other’ buildings

The regulations have been introduced to help create greater energy efficiency and savings on energy costs, as well as better environmental sustainability and stronger compliance.

Reducing carbon and ensuring energy efficiency over the entire lifespan of a building features significantly as part of the new building regulations. This can be achieved in several ways, such as maximising airtightness, optimising insulation and eliminating thermal bridging.

The initial grace period for compliance ended in June 2023, therefore all contractors need to be compliant with these regulations to avoid delays and potential fines. If companies do not adhere to Part L regulations they face possible consequences, which can include stop work orders, fines, legal action and potentially damage to reputation.

Legal requirements from the Building Regulations, with reference to the Conservation of Fuel:

·         Reasonable provision shall be made for the conservation of fuel and power in buildings by:

(a)   limiting heat gains and losses from pipes and ductwork

(b)   providing fixed building services which:

                 (i) are energy efficient to a reasonable standard;

                 (ii) have effective controls; and

                (iii) are commissioned.

Guidance from Part L with advice on how to meet the Legal requirements: Ductwork that carries warm or cold air should be insulated throughout its whole length to achieve heat transfer no greater than that given in Table 4.6 of Part L:

o   Minimum thickness of insulation:

§  Heating duct: 22mm EcoDuct.

§  Cooling or dual-purpose duct: depending on specific conditions (duct sizes, ambient temperatures, operating temperatures, thermal conductivity of insulation) 22mm or 30mm EcoDuct (0.022W/(m·K)), or a multiple thereof, would be compliant.

§  Note: thicknesses apply for low emissivity faced insulation with a thermal conductivity of 0.025W/(m·K) or better. Otherwise consult BS 5422.

o   Condensation should also be controlled:

§  Ref BS 5422 Table 12

§  Minimum air temp. inside duct 15 °C: 22mm EcoDuct (or thicker)

§  Minimum air temp. inside duct 10 °C: 30mm EcoDuct

Ventilation ductwork should be reasonably airtight and air leakage limits shall comply with either BESA’s DW/144, or BS EN 1507, BS EN 12237 and BS EN 13403

  •   EcoDuct is capable of achieving and also exceeding the air leakage limits for low pressure ( (Class A), medium pressure (class B), high pressure (Class C) and highest pressure (Class D) ductwork.

  •  EcoDuct is the only ductwork of its kind to achieve Class D at 2,500 Pa, with a leakage rate (litres per second per square metre of duct surface area) less than the minimum standard.

EcoDuct, fabricated from KoolDuct phenolic insulation panels, provides enhanced alignment to the regulations, including: Optimisation of energy efficiency and savings through, inter alia, minimal leakages at all classes and minimising thermal bridging.

  • Unrivalled environmental sustainability, including: o   Up to 75% reduction in embodied carbon (GWP). o   Up to 45% reduction in energy consumption o   Optimal cradle-to-cradle circularity, with a primary focus on recovery and reuse without a recycling requirement

  • Full compliance with all relevant regulations, standards and guidance, in both the UK and the EU.

For further information and guidance, please contact